How to study with YOUR new site:

Please read this FULL page so we can take care of you 100%.
First, YOU are the most important part of NoteFull. We want to ensure that YOU know this new site is YOURS. And, we want it to create only positive feelings and enthusiasm as you study.
So, this is for YOU, current NoteFull students: access to all of our major programs because you registered for them and helped us build them with your feedback, as well as other powerful programs and lessons you may not have registered for.
First: Click here to join our FREE course so you can start studying right away.
Second: Send us an email at or even easier through our contact us page by clicking here.
Just let us know that you purchased a course on the previous site. Include the email you used to register and a copy of any receipts if you have them. Then, we’ll take care of the rest right away.
Third: We’ll send you an email with your new account details to start studying your old material AND MORE.
We’re here to help you every step of the way to success and ALWAYS will be. Thanks for your patience and support throughout the years.
Now, stay strong, focused, and studying!

Don’t lose a precious second of your study time. Study through our powerful free course as you wait for our email, which you’ll receive as soon as possible.