Hello and welcome to our Common Qs sections, which stands for: Common Questions.

In this part of the site, we aim to answer ALL of your general questions about the TOEFL and working with NoteFull to get your TOEFL dream score.
Browse the topics below for the help you need and if you don’t find the answer that you’re looking for, click here to send us an email through our contact us page and we WILL support you. We’re here for you.
We’re excited to work with you and support you to your dream TOEFL score, 100%!
The best way to learn about all our TOEFL courses to get the help YOU need right away.
Please register for our FREE course with the link below if you haven’t already:
Click here to register for our FREE TOEFL course.
AND, review carefully our getting started page.
CLICK HERE to discover the ideal coure for you to start with for your dream score!
It describes how NoteFull will support you to your dream score through our 1-2-3-4 guaranteed success system, just as it did the hundreds of success stories, that were just like you, which you see on our site and throughout the Internet.
Exactly how to sign up for our TOEFL courses to start studying RIGHT NOW.
All of our TOEFL courses are online, so you can start studying each as soon as you register.
When you register for any course, you create an account on our site. With that account you can access your course any time and IMMEDIATELY.
You don’t need to wait for everything and your access to your course won’t expire.
And for our online classes and small group tutoring: you’ll find your schedule of classes, the links to click on to join (super easy), and the recordings when they’re posted ALL online too.
First, YOU are the most important part of NoteFull. We want to ensure that YOU know this new site is YOURS. And, we want it to create only positive feelings and enthusiasm as you study.
So, this is for YOU, current NoteFull students: access to all of our major programs because you registered for them and helped us build them with your feedback, as well as other powerful programs and lessons you may not have registered for.
First: Click here to join our FREE course so you can start studying right away.
Second: Send us an email at StudentHelp@NoteFull.com or even easier through our contact us page by clicking here.
Just let us know that you purchased a course on the previous site. Include the email you used to register and a copy of any receipts if you have them. Then, we’ll take care of the rest right away.
Third: We’ll send you an email with your new account details to start studying your old material AND MORE.
We’re here to help you every step of the way to success and ALWAYS will be. Thanks for your patience and support throughout the years.
And please don’t lose a precious second of your study time. Study through our powerful free course as you wait for our email, which you’ll receive as soon as possible.
It is critically important to know what skills you need to develop to improve to your dream TOEFL score. Feedback is an important part of that.
Unfortunately, we don’t provide (right now) reviews for your speaking or writing.
The reason is that they ARE important, but we find that regular help through updates to our self-study material, online classes, and small group tutoring is MORE important.
As a result, with the limited time and resources we have, we dedicate our full effort towards them rather than reviews. However, we DO have help for you.
First, through our online classes and small group tutoring. This is where you get to ask any and all questions you have about your TOEFL and any section you’re struggling with. You are not alone with your challenges.
Bring up an issue or challenge in class or in small group tutoring and we’ll work on it together so you and everyone benefits from it. For example, you’re not sure why you’re writing is not improving, bring that up in our online class, we’ll discuss it, and by the end of the class you will know exactly what to do: guaranteed.
Again, the key is to bring this up in class or in small group tutoring and we can support you EVEN BETTER than with a review because we can go into so much detail together.
To review our online classes and small group tutoring, click here.
If you are registered for our online classes, GREAT: bring up that question in class and we WILL take care of it. The same if you’re in small group tutoring.
And, if small group tutoring is full, MAKE SURE you’re in the online classes for help.
We know how important this is to you and are working on adding speaking and writing reviews by the start of 2021. Until then, attend our online classes and small group tutoring and you WILL get the help you need.
Until then, we apologize that we can’t provide more personal support, but we will soon. Thanks for your patience with this.
First, as usual, our recommendation for ANY TOEFL is to wait until you have trained enough so that you are prepared to get your dream TOEFL score.
Second, if you feel that you are ready and you qualify, ABSOLUTELY, give the Home Edition a try. It’s FANTASTIC that the TOEFL created this. As a result, you don’t need to worry about when you can take the TOEFL in a test center because you might qualify to take it at home.
However, some of you may not be able to take it depending on the country you’re currently in AND you might want to check with the institutions that are requiring you to take the TOEFL.
For example, we believe all univerisities will accept these results but licensing boards may or may not. It depends because COVID-19 is a unique situation and everyone’s response is changing daily.
So, THIRD, keep training UNTIL you get your dream TOEFL score AND your insitution accepts it. This time with COVID-19 requires us all to be flexible and know that things are changing daily.
Fourth, your results will STILL be determined more by your training than where you take your TOEFL.
Whenever there’s a change or offering like this, there tends to be excitement to take the exam. That’s GREAT! Give it a try, but we want to remind you that your results are largely determined by your training.
In other words, we believe the home edition will, yes, make it more likely for you to pass when you are ready. But, before you are, we should still train, train, train to create our success.
To explain more, this is GREAT because if you take the TOEFL at home, you’ll find strong benefits.
More energy since you’ll likely be better rested. You’ll take the exam at home without having to drive to a test center and go through the entire check in experience there.
More ease since you’re in the comfort of your own home, so you’ll have less stress and most likely less distractions because you won’t have noisy neighbors around you taking the TOEFL too! HUGE BENEFIT.
But, remember, the TOEFL is STILL the TOEFL. It’s tough and demands your skills be high enough to earn your dream score. YOU CAN DO IT! Stay strong and stay focused on developing your skills to succeed and then take it and you WILL succeed!
Here is feedback from a student who took the exam to better understand the experience:
I took it because honestly I’m running out of time to get certified, so I took advantage of the home-based edition. [A note from NoteFull: check with your institution, licensing board, etc. FIRST because you want to confirm that they will accept your results]
Initially, you have to set up your computer, just to make sure it meets the standards necessary. After you download their software, immediately they test your speakers and camera. After you get approval that your equipment works, you can register for your TOEFL.
Knowing how Strict ETS is I did everything as I was supposed to.
Then, you make your appointment with a Uproctor through the site and then you are good to go. During the test you are allowed to take notes with one white board and marker, not paper. I didn’t know this until the test, luckily enough I hand one.
You’re constantly checked by the Uproctor! That’s super stressful; I had to turn my computer at least 3 times to show the proctor my surroundings.
Honestly, it was worse than I expected, not to mention that maintaining my house in silence with a toddler and a teenager during quarantine was really hard.
Final words from me, I would only take this if I were single, had no pets, and no background noises! [A note from NoteFull: fantastic, honest, helpful personal advice from personal experience. Thank you!]
In addition, here’s a link from Magoosh, another test prep online school, that explains the process and provides a GREAT tip on how to take notes if you don’t have a white board:
All of the important content form the old NoteFull site has been imported to this new NoteFull site. If you have an old link, and you can’t find that content on the new site: email us through our contact us form with the link below.
We’ll then work to provide you with the content you need. We’re here for you:
Click here to let us know if there’s content from the old site you can’t find.
The GOLD Course for you to register for under 2) Online Classses each month—
You’ll see in our TOEFL Prep section of the site that every month, we release the schedule of classes for the month and your ability to register for each.
You’ll see that you can register for classes focused on one section, but if you register for this month’s GOLD Course, which is all classes for the month, you will receive a GREAT discount. Also, once you register for the GOLD Course, you will get a coupon code that will allow you to register for the next month at 50% OFF!
This way you can continue to attend at an amazing value every step of the way to your dream score… because remember: the GOLD Course is meant to be taken regularly, as long as you need, UNTIL you pass.