Dear YOU,
As you see from the famous statue above (Rodin’s: The Thinker), this is where we share our beliefs behind NoteFull. NoteFull is about something bigger than just preparing you for your TOEFL.
We aim to revolutionize the concept of education by introducing the idea that just as with anything else, results matter.
Education is far more than just helping someone get from point A to point B.
There has to be a direction, destination, and determination to get a student to point B, their goal. Our revolutionary concept is:
Once you enter as a student, a relationship is born in which we fully commit to helping you succeed with whatever goals you have until you actually achieve them, however long it takes.
Success. Is. Guaranteed.
That philosophy is where all of our success has come from because our material–or anyone elses–may be great, but it can ALWAYS be better. And, the way to improve it starts with YOU.
We believe that sets us apart: when you’re not improving, we don’t blame you. We support you, review our methods, and require ourselves to create new techniques or explanations that will clarify what’s confusing you, overcome what’s challenging, and inspire you to do the work to succeed.
It’s why our site and programs are continuously updated and have been throughout the years since we launched NoteFull in 2008.
We have a deep respect for YOU, our student, and a firm grip on the trust that you place in us.
That is why we test everything we teach every moment we teach it with every student we have. Our minds are never far from another way to express, explain, or illuminate what we must teach you to simplify your improvement and help you enjoy the process.
We believe that every moment a teacher teaches offers an opportunity to influence you positively, which you’ll notice in our way of communicating via email, our classes, and self-study material. It’s also why we offer help not just to students who can register for a fee.
We offer free help not only to introduce students to our programs but as complete help so that they may unconsciously notice that not every form of help should be paid for, especially when it comes to education.
More important than when we started, or how small we were when we started (just one new student every week), or how we’ve grown (from offering only TOEFL speaking and writing help to now offering help in all sections of the TOEFL, vocabulary, and grammar training)–more important than all of that is the root of what we are and what we try to do: help YOU in the very best way that we can.
NoteFull is your teaching institution first and a business second.
You’re in good hands and know that your trust in NoteFull is well placed.

We stand behind everything we do and everything we do is to help us better support YOU.
Success for you is on it’s way.
Stay strong, stay focused, and remember that we’re always here to help.
Now you know the history, the story, the mission, and the dream. Thanks for being a special part of it.
Wishing you great luck in your studies,
Joseph Miranda
NoteFull, Inc.
Founder & CEO
P.S. If you’re reading this right now, know you WILL succeed.
Your success will result from hard work and patience.
Never give up and we, all of us at NoteFull, GUARANTEE your TOEFL dream score is coming!